Life path number 1

The meaning of the life path number one in numerology
This is how the life path number 1 defines a person’s personality:
“You are self-sufficient and you do not like to be ordered around. You have the personality of a leader. You do not like it when people resist you and always try to convince others that your ideas are the right ones. You are dynamic, a person of action, and often bursting with energy. You always have a lot of projects in mind. Your life could easily be defined as a series of lucky periods and others that are somehow harder, sometimes even in quick succession.”
The variations of the life path 1 according to astrological signs
You can get more information about your life path depending on your astrological sign:
- Aries (21 March – 20 April): you have a lot of untapped love and motivation within you. Your two main flaws are that it can be hard for you to accept other people’s ideas and that sometimes you make hasty decisions without taking some time to think about it clearly.
- Taurus (21 April – 20 May): You like to see your projects through, and you are interested in material wealth.
- Gemini (21 May – 21 June): It is hard for you to stay still, you are always moving from one project to the next. You are very intelligent but you do not like it when people resist you.
- Cancer (22 June – 22 July): You like to be entrusted with responsibilities, but above all you like to lead and be the boss.
- Leo (23 July – 22 August): You are not afraid of any problem. You particularly like to create something new.
- Virgo (23 August – 22 September): You like to help other people. You are gifted in your ability to work, and you have a talent for healing.
- Libra (23 September – 22 October): You can be deeply affected by criticism. You are both passionate and romantic in love, and can just as easily harm other people.
- Scorpio (23 October – 21 November): Your main asset is your curiosity, and you are interested in a great many things. You are not afraid of risk or adventure. You strive for quality in your every endeavor.
- Sagittarius (22 November – 20 December): You have a strong sense of aesthetics and beauty. You like to move and are fond of travelling. You try to keep every promise you make.
- Capricorn (21 December – 19 January): You tend to be trapped in your own routine, as you are afraid of the unknown. You are always looking for quiet places and calm people.
- Aquarius (20 January – 18 February):You cannot be satisfied with an ordinary life. You always strive to get better. You like to help other people. Independence is something very important for you.
- Pisces (19 February – 20 March): You are not selfish. You like to help other people, you even need to. You particularly dislike injustice.
You want to know about the analysis of other ways of life? Check the astral numerology page.