The Colors of the Tarot of Marseille

The Tarot of Marseille is filled with very strong symbolism, one that has left a mark on several generations and keeps doing it. The characters, their stance, their denomination and even their number are shrouded in mystery. That is what makes the Tarot of Marseille a divination method particularly rich and complex. In this article, we will broach the symbolism of the colors that appear in the Tarot of Marseille, and more precisely, in the major arcanaIn this Tarot, the colors Red and Blue form a duality. By interpreting these two hues, we are going to highlight their divergences and understand this opposition..
Symbolical meaning of the colors of the Tarot
Depending on the various versions of the Tarot, the colors may slightly vary. Culturally speaking, the symbolism of colors is not interpreted in the same fashion from one tradition to another. However, a dimension that these cultures have in common enables us to grasp the symbolism of the colors: the opposition and the perpetual struggle between darkness and brightness give life to colors.
That is why we’ll analyze them here from an esoteric point of view by highlighting their divinatory scope. I suggest we interpret the colors of the most famous and most used version of the Tarot of Marseille. This version comprises 5 dominant colors, to which Black and White can be added:
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Green
- Flesh-colored
These cards display bright, pure, or even vibrant colors, which further accentuate the expressiveness of the characters. Each color is linked to a natural element (Water, Earth, Air, Fire). From this element, they draw a singular energy that’smore or less positive.
What is the meaning of the dominant colors?
In this Tarot, the colors Red and Blue form a duality. By interpreting these two hues, we are going to highlight their divergences and understand this opposition.
Meaning of the color Red in the Tarot of Marseille
Natural element: Fire.
Symbolism of the color Blue on the Tarot card
In the major arcana, the color Blue means purity and spirituality.
It refers to the spiritual world and the infinite. Contrary to Red, it represents a timeless power, an intangible dimension, one that’s nearly imperceptible.
Natural element: Water
What does the color yellow mean in the Tarot arcana?
This color takes center stage in the Tarot of Marseille. Interpreting it is a particularly complex task. As a divine color, Yellow plays the role of a referee in the duality between Red and Blue.
This color embodies infinite wisdom and spiritual wealth. Certainly because it holds within itself all the colors of the rainbow.
It also refers to intelligence, work and, more precisely, to the process of metamorphosis and maturity.
Natural elements:Fire and Air.
Interpretation of the color green in the Tarot
It appears very rarely in the cards. However, during a Tarot draw, it is important to take it into account when it appears in the colors to complete the interpretation.
Green is the color of nature. It refers to the forces that give life and to the vital energy that influences it.
It highlights some kind of permanence and resistance. Green links us to our roots, to the primary energy of the natural world.
Natural element: Earth.
The place of the flesh color
Very present in the Tarot, it illustrates the skin color of the characters that appear on the major arcana. This particular hue refers to human beings, to their consciousness and to human relationships.
It finds a place between what’s temporal and what’s spiritual, i.e. between Red and Blue. It is precisely this duality that will help human beings shape their personality throughout their life.
Naturel elements: Earth.
Symbolism of Black and White in the Tarot of Marseille
Natural element: Air.
In the Tarot, Black is more explicit. It is the color of mystery and of the unknown. It unveils what’s essential and aspires to light.
Black is often referred to as the color of the soul. It holds what is buried and can only be unveiled by the light that comes from a courageous action.
Natural element: Earth.