The Unpopular cards of the Tarot of Marseille

The Tarot does not offer binary answers, that is, it is not a Manichean deck. Admittedly, each card has downsides and advantages, represents good or evil, as well as a wide range of intermediate nuances! This article is dedicated to playing down the importance of some Tarot of Marseille cards that are often perceived as negative. Conversely, some arcana that are considered positive can have negative aspects. The goal here is to fully understand the Tarot so as to better understand yourself.
Why do some Tarot of Marseille arcana bring about a rejection reaction?
In the mystical world of the Tarot, each card is never really what it seems to be. And nothing is left to chance. The cards are based on the principle of the Golden ratio or Divine Proportion, which can be found in nature – in the way leaf veins are arranged, for instance… – but also in all the greatest sacred constructions, like the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Chartres Cathedral or the paintings of the Renaissance painters.
The 22 major arcana are composed of figures that speak to your imagination and trigger subconscious mechanisms. The Tarot of Marseille relies on archetypes and resonances. It is thus logical that you should feel pure emotional urges when consulting it.
The Tarot of Marseille does not drag us in allegorical pipe dreams. It simple tells us the story of life. To understand what it means, you just have to look at a card and find out whether you have an awkward feeling or not. You do not like or hate such or such a card randomly.
You do not draw a particular arcanum by chance. Your subconscious chooses what best represents your current state, your frame of mind at a given moment or the possibility to improve a situation.
What is the positive meaning that lies behind these Tarot cards?
A tarot card can mean something as well as its exact opposite. It is precisely the case because, in the end, extremes merge. What matters is not what such and such card means in general but rather what it implies for us at a given moment of our life.
Thus, if the sight of a particular Tarot card brings about an instinctive rejection reaction, do not try to find some positivemeaning to mask some kind of disequilibrium. The true secret of the divinatory Tarot is that one card represents a whole set of situations and emotions.
The psychological dimension of the Tarot
One of the other aspects of the Tarot of Marseille, which is not the most surprising one, is its psychoanalytical aspect. The arcana that bring about a rejection reaction in you generally represent facets of yourself you refuse to see or situations you have trouble dealing with. It is most interesting to work on these cards.
To that end, I offer to analyze (for free) the reasons that may prompt us to reject some tarot arcana, like the following ones:
Each month, you will discover the positive meaning of these cards that are, usually and at first blush, not considered particularly beneficial.